Do You Have the Right MENTAL attitude?

Okay, the first thing you need to decide is . . .

Why do you want to be in business for yourself?”

This is a basic question that a small percentage of people never answer. Let me do it for you now.

All goals in life can be broken into two areas

Time & Money

Don’t believe me?

List your top goal in life right now:


Now ask yourself whether this goal requires more time in your daily schedule in order to accomplish this. This could be hours in the day or hours doing your goal instead of whatever you spend it on each day.

If it’s not time then ask whether it will require more money in your life to accomplish it. Can you do it with the funds you have available to you now?

See what I mean? Time & Money are the elements you must conquer with your business to make it worthwhile.

All goals can be broken down into “time and money” so if you are getting as much time as you want and you are making as much money as you want then I would recommend that you NOT waste your energy starting a business or else you will get bored quickly.

The hardest people in the world to motivate are those that have other options. Either they are rich, expect to be rich or are just in business because they are bored and don’t really need the business to succeed at all.

If you find someone like that in your business (or if that’s you) and you are trying to do more than just sell them products then run away from them or quit promptly (if that describes you). You will just waste your time and your money trying to motivate them and as the adage goes, if you try to make a “pig sing” it will just annoy both you and the pig. And in the end nobody will be happy.

Nobody can care more than the leader”

Think I’m wrong?

What would McDonald’s have been without the vision of Ray Kroc? Had this man not decided that he wanted to create a franchise we would not have McDonald’s today. In fact, his vision and the action taken upon it is what most franchise models are based upon.

He has successfully built a business, ran by high school kids, that turns bad food and lots of sugar water into an endless stream of cash. Wow!

What about Bill Gates?

The vision that he possessed when he went up against “Big Blue” and they said (paraphrased) “we will not sell you the rights to computers – period” and Bill responded “that’s okay, I just want the rights to the software”.

You just know that the white shirt executives couldn’t wait to get to their country club to tell the world how they just got one over on some “wet behind the ears” kid.

But Bill had a vision of what could be and he didn’t care what anyone else thought about it. In fact, he knew that software was a consumable that every computer in the world needed. He also knew in his mind that computers would be commonplace in the very near future. So, he stuck to his guns, took action on his plan and never quit. He had vision and believed in himself more than anyone else did at the time.

Finally, for all of you sports fans, how about the tandem of Phil Knight and Michael Jordan?

Wow! What an empire they built!

This is an example of two leaders at work and not just one. This is the equivalent of you believing in your business more than anything else and then recruiting a team that catches your spirit, follows your plan and takes action every day.

It’s the equivalent of hiring a worker in your small business that wants to learn everything they can about the business and treat it “as if” they owned it themselves. If you’ve experienced that you know what I’m talking about and it changed your business forever.

But, it still starts with YOU, the leader of the business. This is YOUR baby and I’ll repeat:

Nobody can care more than the leader”

In fact, nothing can make your business truly successful except you. Not your vendor, your product or your “offer”. It starts and ends with you making the necessary changes and applying the proven principles you will learn in this course to change your life and the lives of others you associate with – FOREVER.

Don’t FEEL, just BE”

What do I mean here?

Each and every day we wake up and our FEELINGS are a little bit different. You know what I mean.

Sometimes we FEEL like doing something exciting and sometimes we don’t. Sometimes we FEEL like we could conquer the world and sometimes we don’t. So, what do we do on the days that our FEELINGS are down? Well, if we are a true entrepreneur and not just a “wannabe” we do the EXACT SAME tasks we should be doing when our FEELINGS are at their highest!

What? But I don’t feel like it! My stomach hurts, my girlfriend broke up with me or my kids are driving me crazy. How can that be?

Well, FEELINGS are like the wind, they come and go and if we allow them to rule us we will blow away” when they are strongest. And, we will “blown” in whatever direction we are swept either positive or negatively.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way . . . Instead, from this point on . . .

You need to make a choice to BE the person you WANT to be regardless of how you feel”

Will it be easy? Nope.

In fact, for some of you this will be a 180º turn from where you are now. Some of you are so swept up in your feelings that you let them rule you.

No longer!

Be the RULER of your feelings and you will see more positive changes occur in your business than ever before. You will become the type of person that your customers want to buy from.

You will become the type of person your customers want to follow.

Change your THOUGHTS and the rest will follow!

I know what you are saying – “That’s touchy feely and that’s just hokey psycho babble!”.

Well you are wrong! Take a look at this equation that I first read in T. Harv Ecker’s book “The Millionaire Mind” and learn why EVERYTHING starts with your Thoughts and goes from there: T. Harv Ecker writes (paraphrasing) that every day you start with a thought. Just a simple little thought that comes and goes without a concern in the world. “It’s just a thought!” you think, so how much damage can it actually do?

Well, it can do a lot because shortly after your THOUGHTS comes the next part of the equation . . .


Whoa, here come those feelings again, creeping up my spine. I just woke up five minutes ago, THOUGHT about the bad stuff that was happening in my life and here I am five minutes into my day and I FEEL bad. “Woe is me!”

So, as you sit in your misery for a minute or two you decide that there’s nothing better to do than stay in bed or eat ice cream all day. After all, you FEEL horrible!

So you go through the day just like this and before you know it you’ve eaten the entire pint of ice cream because you created the HABIT of sitting in your PJ’s and eating ice cream all day. Finally, you wake up tomorrow and aren’t feeling so swell so you decide to repeat yesterday’s pattern of behavior. In fact, you find it MUCH easier to convince yourself today that eating a pint of ice cream all day is good for you.

Before you know it, you look up a week from now and you’ve put on a couple of pounds, which makes you feel worse, which means more ice cream and before you know it you have created your DESTINY. And in this example your DESTINY is for you to get fat!

That’s a funny (but all too real) example of how our thoughts will lead us down a path before we know it. In business it works the exact same way.

I wake up one morning and my THOUGHTS are that I’m just a failure so before I know it I FEEL like a failure and therefore my ACTIONS reflect a failure because I don’t do anything all day to get me to my goals (i.e. more time and more money). Before I know it I’m sitting right

where I was six months ago with another failed business plan and another $1,000 racked up on my credit card.

It DOESN’T have to be that way . . . but it’s TOTALLY up to you. Nobody else can change how you think and nobody else can make you a success. It’s up to you.

This means that your friends, family or acquaintances can’t want you to succeed more than you do. You must dedicate yourself to this and you must think of it as a marathon and not a sprint. This week’s lesson is the easiest one to blow off and say “okay, I understand”. But, I guarantee you that if you do not figure out your “why” then the “how” will never come. You MUST have goals that are meaningful to you and your family. And, this business that you have must help you to achieve them. If it doesn’t then you will quit before you see the payday!

Your assignment:

1. List your PRIMARY reason(s) for starting a business and remember, be SPECIFIC:

2. How much TIME do you need to accomplish this goal?

3. How much MONEY do you need to accomplish this goal?

Now, make a contract with yourself –


I will dedicate myself to LEARNING and TAKING ACTION on my business so that I will give my family more time & money for my efforts.

I WILL NOT let FEELINGS dictate my actions!





Now, print this out and post it on your bathroom mirror! You have created a contract with yourself that you need to look at EVERY DAY! That’s it. The key to changing your future is in taking small steps ever day without fail. And, you owe it to yourself to start out quickly.